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Program Committee

Apply to Join the Program Committee for MICCAI 2017:
Community Building and More


We invite researchers who have been active in past MICCAI conferences to volunteer their efforts and serve on the program committee (PC) as Area Chairs. The quality of the conference depends heavily on the selection process; and in turn, this hinges on bringing together the best possible team of Area Chairs. We hope that this call for PC membership can attract the right mix of people with complementary expertise to join the MICCAI 2017 team and deliver an attractive conference for the whole community.


Applying to serve as an Area Chair


If you would like to be considered to serve as a MICCAI 2017 Area Chair, please fill out the following survey


The deadline to apply is December 7th, 2016. The conference Program Chairs will review all applications carefully and will respond by January 7th, 2016. We are looking to include Area Chairs members with varying levels of expertise, while considering the breadth of research topics in the building of the committee. If you are not included in the 2017 committee, your information will be passed on to future MICCAI conference chairs to be considered.

Notes on your application

Not all applications will be able to be selected. In a first phase, there will be 30 ACs initially recruited, balanced between MIC, CAI and MICCAI experts, with spread of expertise based on past MICCAI history, and aiming for sex parity. After paper submission, in a second phase, we will invite approximately 10-20 additional ACs from the database of applicants to complement the breadth and width of expertise required on the PC.


Responsibilities of the PC member


This year we moved to a models similar to the one used at other imaging and learning conferences (e.g. CVPR, ICCV). Specifically, we adopted the model of the "Area Chair (AC)" who will have specific expertise and more responsibilities for the papers that are assigned to him/her. Being an Area Chair is a demanding task that involves managing the review process for a set of papers, selecting papers for orals and awards, interacting with the Program Committee and other Area Chairs up to and including attending the on-site PC meeting on-site in Quebec City - and thus entails a significant commitment on their part.


To understand the full responsibilities and commitments of the Area Chairs, please carefully read the details below before you apply  to be an Area Chair, and understand the time and resources commitment. This is particularly crucial for the on-site PC meeting, which will be held in Quebec City in May 2017. All PC members will be expected to attend. Attendance is important to not only help create the final program, but also and in fact especially to avail yourself of this excellent opportunity for networking within the MICCAI community.

PC duties & review process highlights

  • Paper assignment to Area Chairs will be completed automatically using the latest version of the Toronto Paper Matching System (TPMS), which has been successfully used by well-respected conferences such as CVPR, ICML, IPMI.  The Program Chairs will oversee the process.

  • You will be responsible for shepherding the review process for each of approximately 20 papers:

    • You will have to read the articles;

    • You will have to use the TPMS to confirm the automated assignment of reviewers;

    • You will have to follow-up on reviewers to ensure timeliness in their reviews;

    • You will have to check their reviews for quality; and

    • You will have to read and consider the authors’ rebuttal in your final score.

  • In the first phase, the review process is structured so that "easy" decisions (clear rejects and clear accepts) are identified and finalized prior to the second phase of the review process.

  • In the second phase, you will be responsible to read and score an additional 5 to 10 borderline papers from another Area Chair.

  • About two to three weeks prior to the PC meeting you may be given a few (less than 3) additional papers to read and assess in preparation for the meeting, either because a paper is being considered for oral presentation or an award, or because the paper is still borderline.


Physical PC meeting


We will hold a PC meeting at Université Laval in Quebec City, Canada, from Friday May 12th to Sunday May 14th 2017. By agreeing to serve as an Area Chair you are making a firm commitment to attend the full meeting in person. We unfortunately cannot cover the cost of travel and accommodation for the PC meeting but meals will be covered. As is customary, there will be a number of scientific presentations during the meeting, when you may have an opportunity to present work from your laboratory.


Schedule of PC duties


The work will begin on February 24th 2017, after the paper submission deadline and the majority of the work will occur in two phases. The first phase will be between February 24th and March 5th for the paper assignment period. Reviewers will then have one month to do their reviews. The second phase will be between April 14th and May 10th for the final ranking of papers by Area Chairs.  Your responsibilities will end with the PC meeting on May 12th-14th. A detailed timeline is posted on the Main Program page of this website.


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